Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

If you’ve ever heard the cliché phrases, “the glass is half full” or “the glass is half empty” used to demonstrate a positive or negative mindset, then you already have a good sense of the difference between optimism and pessimism. But where you fall on this spectrum can affect a lot more than how you … Read more

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

IQ has historically been the common framework for how we measure our intelligence, and traditional “book smarts” have always been treasured in our society. However, the idea of emotional intelligence—or “EQ”—has risen to become an important way for us to think about how we interact with and relate to others. For some, it’s even more important … Read more

Compassion Fatigue: The Toll of Caring Too Much

Compassion fatigue involves emotional and physical exhaustion that can affect people who have been exposed to other people’s traumas or stressors. It is characterized by a decreased ability to empathize, feelings of helplessness, and burnout due to the demands of supporting those who are suffering. It is also sometimes referred to as secondary or vicarious … Read more

Are You an Empath? Take the Quiz

How deeply do you feel the emotions of others? Do you often find yourself burdened by the weight of the feelings of those around you? If you are constantly taking on the emotional load of others and making it your own, you may be what is known as an empath. To find out if you fit … Read more

The Role of the Amygdala in Human Behavior and Emotion

The amygdala is a region of the brain that is involved in processing emotions, particularly fear. While emotions are not facts, they are one way that our brain keeps us safe and aware of our surroundings. For example, fear and anxiety exist to alert us of potential threats.1 Since our emotions inform us about our environment, … Read more

Understanding Dismissive Behavior and Why It Happens

Dismissive behavior involves brushing someone off, ignoring them, or being indifferent to them. It can be disrespectful, inconsiderate, or downright rude. Being dismissed can leave you feeling unwanted and unimportant, like you don‘t matter, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist. Dismissive behavior can take many forms. For example, you enter a party and greet someone, but … Read more

Estrogen plays a major role in women’s health, including mental health. Estrogen is a sex hormone and therefore is responsible for regulating things like breast development and menstrual cycles, but it’s also linked to women’s emotional well-being. The endocrine system is charged with regulating estrogen’s ebb and flow. Estrogen’s impact on mood is complex because there are … Read more

Psychological Flexibility

One definition of psychological flexibility is the capacity for being in contact with the present and acting on long-term goals rather than short-term urges. Being psychologically flexible allows people to adapt to changes in the environment and react in new, creative and healthy ways that align with an individual’s goals and values. This ability also plays … Read more

How to Control Your Emotions When They’re Running High

Common emotional experiences such as anger, frustration, sadness, or anxiety can impact well-being and decision-making. In fact, research suggests emotional experiences can both offer beneficial drives for decision making but can also undermine or harm decision-making.1 “When it comes to problem solving, emotions that run high or are intense may not enable us to be mindful,” says Deborah Serani, PsyD, professor … Read more