Are Dating Apps Safe?

Over the past several years, the popularity of online dating has skyrocketed compared to where it originally started. In fact, dating websites and apps have given single people a convenient new way to connect with people. But, with the ease of dating websites and apps comes some new issues, particularly in the form of safety. For instance, … Read more

Justice Sensitivity Is Plaguing Autistic & ADHD Individuals—Here’s What to Know

Justice sensitivity refers to an individual’s sense of fairness, equity, and inclusion, as well as their need to address and correct injustices. Most people would describe themselves as having some level of justice sensitivity, though the intensity to which they focus on issues of justice and equity will vary, like all traits. Some people experience … Read more

How Depression Can Impact Family Members

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in America, affecting 21 million adults and five million teens annually.1 But people with this condition aren’t the only ones impacted. Family members are affected as well. When we have a family member who is dealing with depression, it’s helpful to understand how this affects the … Read more

Symptoms of Clinical Depression

The two “core” depression symptoms are low mood and loss of interest in activities. In addition to those, people may also experience changes in appetite, trouble sleeping, tiredness, feelings of guilt, trouble concentrating, or thoughts of death. While only a qualified medical or mental health provider can diagnose depression, there are certain warning signs that can help you … Read more

Physiological Symptoms of Stress

When the body feels overwhelmed by environmental stressors, it may respond in ways to protect itself from what appears to be threatening.1 Yaribeygi H, Panahi Y, Sahraei H, Johnston TP, Sahebkar A. The impact of stress on body function: A review. EXCLI J. 2017;16:1057-1072. Published 2017 Jul 21. doi:10.17179/excli2017-480 As a defense, the body produces chemical reactions … Read more

This Subtle But Brilliant Detail In The Twilight Saga Proves Bella Was Always Going To Be A Cullen

The Twilight Saga saw Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) go from mortal to vampire and part of the Cullen family, and one detail repeated throughout the saga proves Bella was always going to be a Cullen. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer changed the vampire genre with her debut novel Twilight. In it, Meyer shared her unique world where vampires, … Read more

When the baby can be examined through the abdominal wall

You can find out here when the abdominal ultrasound is carried out. Also: How many examinations are there during pregnancy? Are you pregnant and wondering when the first ultrasound scan of your abdomen will be carried out? Then you’ve come to the right place: we explain how long vaginal ultrasounds are carried out and from … Read more