Why Do Married People Cheat?

Why do people cheat? A wide variety of factors can bring out some type of affair. A study of 495 people revealed eight key reasons: anger, low self-esteem, lack of love, low commitment, need for variety, neglect, sexual desire, and circumstance.1 It’s important to understand that these reasons arise within the cheater and are not the responsibility … Read more

5 Common Types of Affair Relationships

An affair is an emotionally intense, romantic relationship with someone other than your spouse or partner. Sex may or may not be involved, and the two people may not have even met in person, which can occur in an online or cyber affair. The average affair lasts six months to one year,1 though some can last … Read more

6 Types of Relationships and Their Effect on Your Life

You’ll have many different types of relationships throughout your life. Most tend to be categorized as acquaintances, friends, family, romantic partners, sexual partners, work colleagues, or situational relationships. Each type comes with different expectations, benefits, and challenges. Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of life. They can range from close and intimate to distant and challenging. … Read more

7 Surprising Ways to Make Your Relationship Even Better

Whether you’ve been dating someone for a while, currently live with a partner, or are part of a long-married couple, you might be seeking ways to make your relationship even better. Unlike holiday love stories and romantic comedies in which all is resolved after one or two conflicts, maintaining thriving relationships takes real effort. But it … Read more

My Wife Doesn’t Love Me Anymore

It can be difficult to think, “My wife doesn’t love me anymore.” If you feel this way, it is important to consider why it might be happening. It’s equally critical to know what you can do when your wife’s love seems to be gone. To help determine whether your wife has lost feelings for you, … Read more

I Miss My Ex, What Should I Do?

For many people, the most challenging part of a breakup is this feeling: reaching for your phone to call your favorite person before quickly realizing you’ve just gone your separate ways. The length of your relationship also doesn’t matter. Whether you were together for a few months or several years, a relationship coming to an … Read more

How Will I Know If I’ve Found True Love?

The desire for love is universal. It’s rare to encounter a human being who has never yearned for true love, but what does the term even mean? We associate “true love” with fairytales and Disney, or with extravagant weddings and romantic films about couples overcoming adversity together and building a beautiful life together. The concept of true … Read more

6 Ways Your Partner Might Be Patronizing You

Patronizing behavior is any form of talking down to someone from the position of projected authority. You’ve likely heard the term mansplaining—in which a man explains something to a person of another gender that’s obvious or that they already know and might even have expertise in. This mainstream term (and, unfortunately, behavior) is a form … Read more

10 Open Relationship Rules to Follow for Success

Despite some lingering stigma, many people find an open relationship—in which a person and their partner consent to having romantic or sexual connections with others—very fulfilling. This relationship structure is also commonly known as ethical non-monogamy (ENM) or consensual non-monogamy (CNM). A 2023 study from YouGov America found that 12% of adults have engaged sexually with someone who wasn’t their … Read more

Why You Need to Build Compersion in Your Relationships

Comparison is the experience of enjoying another’s positive experiences. In intimate relationships, comparison refers to the enjoyment of your partner’s erotic, sexual, or romantic encounters with others.1 Often referred to as the opposite of jealousy, it is an experience that many in non-monogamous relationships may relate to. However, it isn’t uncommon for those who are in monogamous … Read more