What Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to a phenomenon in which people put off going to bed to engage in activities that they don’t have time for during the day.1 It is a way of finding time for leisure and entertainment—at the expense of sleep. The term ‘bedtime procrastination’ was introduced in a 2014 paper.2 The addition of the … Read more

What Do Dreams About Tornadoes Mean?

When 46-year-old Julie Detwiler from Roselle, Illinois, was 4-years-old, her family lived in Little Rock, Arkansas. “My only memories of that time are hiding from tornados,” she says. “We would either sit in our hall closet with the door closed or go into the bathtub in the bathroom on the lower level. While I don’t recall … Read more

What to Consider When Dating a Single Mom

If you’re in the dating game, single moms will likely be in the mix. In fact, according to a Pew Research Center study, the US has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households, specifically those run by single moms. Single parents bring unique perspectives, priorities, and life experiences to the table—and that … Read more

How Does Birth Order Shape Your Personality?

Birth order refers to the order a child is born in relation to their siblings, such as whether they are first-born, middle-born, or last-born. You’ve probably heard people joke about how the eldest child is the bossy one, the middle child is the peace-maker, and the youngest child is the irresponsible rebel—but is there any … Read more

Why Does My Family Trigger My Anxiety?

Ever wonder why your family can trigger your anxiety like nobody else, even when otherwise your anxiety might feel under control? Listen, we get it. Having your family trigger your anxiety is a very common problem. Read on to learn more about anxiety triggers, how your family might be triggering your anxiety, and how to cope with … Read more

How to Thrive As a Blended Family

Today, families come in all combinations and sizes. Maybe you meet someone new, and one or both of you already have kids. Maybe you and your partner have kids together, adding to the bunch. A blended family, often referred to as a stepfamily, is a unique constellation of people that come together to form a … Read more

10 Things to Do When Your Partner Is in a Bad Mood

Nobody’s in a good mood all the time. Life gets tough, things don’t go as we expected, responsibilities build up, or maybe we simply wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Whatever the reason, you or your partner are bound to feel low occasionally. It’s never fun to be around someone who’s in … Read more

How to Fix a Relationship After Cheating

You cheated on your partner, but your relationship does not necessarily have to end. Even though admitting infidelity to your partner will cause much heartache and anger, your relationship can survive if you both want it to. But repairing a relationship after infidelity can only happen if you truly regret your decision to cheat. If you … Read more

11 Signs of Cheating

Infidelity can be traumatic and is one of the more challenging problems faced in a relationship. While many people are blindsided if and when they find out about a spouse or partner cheating, others may suspect infidelity because of actions that are out of the norm. Eleven common signs of cheating include: Changes in communication Increased interest … Read more

Should You Give a Cheating Partner a Second Chance?

One of the most difficult relationship decisions you hope to never have to make is whether or not to give a cheating partner a second chance. Infidelity is incredibly painful, and it might leave you wondering if you should break up or stay in the relationship. If you discover that your partner lied to you, manipulated you, … Read more