5 Sleep Strategies From Around the World

In honor of Sleep Awareness Month, we are hitting the snooze button and properly catching up on one of our favorite topics: sleep. From uncovering sleep hacks on the other side of the world to figuring out how to calculate our accumulated sleep debt, this collection of articles serves you all the tools you need … Read more

Sleep Inertia: Getting Past the Grogginess

All of us have had times where we wake up feeling groggy, out of it, and a bit slow on the uptake. For many of us, this is a daily occurrence. This is known as sleep inertia, which is defined as a temporary period after waking up from sleep where you feel disoriented, moody, and experience slower reaction … Read more

What Is Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)?

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), also known as sleep-related myoclonus syndrome or nocturnal myoclonus syndrome, is a type of sleep-related movement disorder. This sleep disorder is characterized by episodes of repeated twitching or jerking movements in your arms or legs while you sleep, which can disrupt your sleep and cause you to feel unrefreshed when you wake … Read more

How to Practice Sleep Syncing for Better Sleep and Energy

If you’ve been having trouble getting a good night’s rest, sleep syncing may be the answer. “Sleep syncing is when you create a routine that aligns your body’s circadian rhythm or internal clock with your daily routine,” says sleep expert Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, an NYC-based neuropsychologist and Director of Comprehend the Mind. By going to bed and … Read more

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone?

If you’ve ever had a dream about someone unexpected, such as an ex, co-worker, or crush, you might wonder why they might appear in your dreams. While dreams are often centered on daytime thoughts and concerns, they can also reflect unconscious thoughts or feelings about others. In other cases, dreams symbolically represent something else entirely. Understanding what … Read more

What Does it Mean When You Dream About Someone Dying?

Each of us spend about two hours each night dreaming, and dreams typically occur in the REM portion of our sleep cycle.1 While the purpose and meaning behind our dreams isn’t entirely understood, the basic theory is that dreams help us process and understand our emotions.2 As such, if you are dreaming about someone dying, this is likely reflective of an … Read more

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i)?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) is a type of short-term therapy model that specifically addresses chronic insomnia. Patients are treated over the course of about 6 to 8 weeks. It is considered the most effective non-medical intervention to manage insomnia.1 The American College of Physicians (ACP) considers CBT-i as the first line of defense against insomnia and … Read more

What Happens in Your Brain During a Wet Dream

A wet dream, medically known as nocturnal emission, is an intriguing aspect of the human sexual experience. It is a spontaneous orgasm that happens while you sleep. While a wet dream might cause a man to ejaculate, in women, it results in vaginal lubrication, an orgasm, or both. Wet dreams are typically accompanied by vivid sexual … Read more