What Is the Impact of Casual Sex on Mental Health?

Other studies put the rates of young adults having casual sex at greater than 70%.4 The number of prior sexual partners, level of completed education, alcohol and drug use, and attitude affected the number of casual sex experiences. For example, those pursuing college degrees engaged in casual sex less often than those who didn’t finish high … Read more

What Is Sexual Tension?

Sexual tension occurs when two individuals interact and feel sexual desire, yet no sexual activity happens. Sexual tension is more about everything leading up to sex than the actual act of having sex. This phenomenon is a very common experience. It often happens in the work setting—some co-workers have secret hookups and don’t want everyone in … Read more

10 Ways to Increase Libido

Your libido—your sex drive—normally fluctuates over time. Everything from daily stress to hormone fluctuations can affect it. Age can be a factor, too, but people can maintain healthy sex drives well into their elderly years. If you’d like to increase your libido, try any (or all!) of these 10 simple methods. An Important Note Although sex drives naturally change … Read more

How to Cope With Sexual Anxiety

Whether you’re dating someone new or you have a long-term partner, sexual anxiety is real, and it can impact relationships at any stage. That said, there are plenty of ways to recognize it as it starts to happen and work on moving past it. Anxiety, in general, is a common mental health condition and because of this, … Read more

Why You Have Sexual Fantasies and What They Mean

We all have places we go in our minds during sex or when we feel aroused, and everybody is different. Put plainly, a sexual fantasy is a mental image that promotes one’s desire for sex and can help enhance the sexual experience. While the people, themes, and frequency may change, sexual fantasies are completely normal, and … Read more

What Is Sexual Aversion Disorder?

Sexual aversion disorder was a diagnosis that involved an unwillingness to engage in sexual activity, including avoiding behaviors or signals that might convey sexual interest or lead to a sexual relationship. It is no longer considered a distinct condition, however, and this diagnosis was removed from the DSM-5. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) … Read more

What Is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, also known by the acronym HSDD, is a clinical diagnosis for when a person loses interest in sexual activity for an extended period. Typically, the diagnosis is given after the problem has persisted for more than six months, and a person is frustrated or upset by their lack of interest.1 HSDD is … Read more

What Is Polygamy?

When you think of marriage, you most likely think of a union between two partners. However, there are other types of marriages like polygamy. Polygamy is a type of relationship that typically involves a person marrying more than one partner.1 When a woman marries more than one man, it’s called polyandry. Polygamy is the opposite of monogamy, where one … Read more

What Is a Sex Therapist?

The idea of a sex therapist may bring up a lot of curiosity. What are those therapy sessions like? Are people naked? Is there sex? Read on to find out more about the role of a sex therapist, and what issues they can help with. What is a Sex Therapist? When you have a sexual … Read more