How to Stop Comfort Food Cravings

It’s the end of a long day at work and you’re coming home. You’re not hungry but craving something that will make you feel better. You stop by your favourite fast food joint and grab your go-to snack combo. You’re driving with one hand in a bag of fries and the other on your steering … Read more

How to Deal With Mansplaining at Work

There are countless famous jokes about mansplaining, like the one where a dude tells a woman she’s wrong about a scientific paper that she was actually the author of, but mansplaining isn’t just for memes and twitter threads. Unfortunately, it’s very real, a fact to which most women can probably attest. While there is of course room … Read more

What Is Shadow Work, Exactly?

Is there a side of you that you suppress during certain social situations? Or maybe one you don’t even know you hide? That’s your shadow. Shadow work is uncovering the hidden parts of your psyche to understand yourself more, heal from old wounds, and improve relationships. In other words, it’s the work you do on … Read more