10 Ways to Make Your Monday Better

What is it about Mondays that always has us struggling? Somehow, the day just drags on and on, with no end in sight. The dread sets in on Sunday night and when that alarm clock goes off Monday morning, the very thought of getting up and facing everything that’s piled up over the weekend is enough to … Read more

5 Self-Compassion Exercises to Practice Daily

We all go through difficult times, make mistakes, or say the wrong thing sometimes. In these situations, our inner critic often takes over, scolding us and leaving us feeling angry, upset, disappointed, embarrassed, or ashamed at ourselves. But what if there was a way to navigate these difficulties with kindness and understanding instead? That’s where self-compassion comes … Read more

How to Manifest Your Goals With the 369 Method

We all have goals that feel like they’re just out of reach. It could be landing a big promotion, crushing a fitness goal, finding a soulmate, buying a dream house, or feeling more confident about ourselves. But, how do we bridge the gap between wishing and achieving? Enter: manifestation. Manifestation is a process by which we … Read more

Does Fasting Have Mental Health Benefits?

Fasting seems to be a bit of a health craze these days, with proponents of it guaranteeing all kinds of results, from quick weight loss to boosted mental clarity. Here’s the thing: there’s actually some solid evidence that intermittent fasting as a dietary intervention has health benefits, including reductions in body weight, cholesterol, blood sugar, … Read more