What to Know About Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body. It combines meditation with the practice of mindfulness, which can be defined as a mental state that involves being fully focused on “the now” so you can acknowledge and accept your thoughts, … Read more

Transcendental Meditation and Its Many Benefits

Transcendental meditation, also known as TM for short, is a simple and effective form of meditation that is shown by research to be quite effective at minimizing anxiety, helping people manage stress, and even lowering blood pressure1 and carrying other benefits. It gained popularity in the 1960s, even attracting the attention of the Beatles, as … Read more

Box Breathing Techniques and Benefits

Despite the somewhat exotic name, box breathing is a very simple and even familiar type of stress management exercise. If you’ve ever found yourself inhaling and exhaling to a rhythm while you run or listen to music, you’ve taken the first steps. Box breathing is a type of paced breathing that follows a certain rhythm, … Read more

The Best Meditation Books and How to Use Them

Now that the link between practicing meditation and improved mental health has been firmly established, even if you hadn’t considered trying it before, you may be at least curious about how it works, and the potential health benefits. “Meditation can help with relaxation and focus,” Heidi J. Dalzell, PsyD, a licensed psychologist and practicing therapist with 25 years of experience, … Read more

How to Know if Zen Meditation Is Right for You

Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, is a meditation technique rooted in Buddhist psychology. The goal of Zen meditation is to regulate attention.1 It’s sometimes referred to as a practice that involves “thinking about not thinking.” People usually sit in the lotus position—or sit with their legs crossed—during Zen meditation and focus their attention inward. … Read more

Holotropic Breathwork Benefits and Risks

Holotropic breathing, more often referred to as holotropic breathwork (HB), is a practice that involves controlling and quickening breathing patterns to influence your mental, emotional, and physical states. It was derived from a spiritual framework but is also a trademarked activity1 that has become increasingly popular among those seeking to explore a unique process of self-healing … Read more

What Is Kundalini Meditation?

In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of feminine energy that is said to be coiled at the base of the spine. The word Kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “coiled snake.” This energy can then be awakened through yoga, mantras, asanas, and meditation. Kundalini meditation is part of Kundalini yoga and is meant to … Read more

What Is a Sound Bath?

Though a sound bath may seem like a “new age” concept, the practice of healing bodies through sound is technically thousands of years old with deep roots in cultures across the world. A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, … Read more

Best Meditation Retreats

Meditation practitioners and researchers agree that meditation can help reduce stress, improve mental and physical well-being, and calm the mind and body. It does this by triggering the body’s relaxation response and quieting the stress-induced thoughts that can cause a state of agitation. For some, a quiet room in the house or a peaceful spot in … Read more

What To Know about the Mind-Body Practice of Tai Chi

Short for t’ai chi chüan, Tai Chi is rooted in Chinese medicine — qigong to be exact — and is thousands of years old. The practice fuses both martial arts and meditation, which might seem like an unlikely combination. However, the idea is to slow down both your mind and body by repeating rhythmic choreography and breath work … Read more