How to Compartmentalize to Reduce Stress

One way some people choose to manage stress is by compartmentalization. Living in today’s fast-paced world, it’s inevitable not to come in contact with stress. Stress is a constant in many people’s daily lives, and finding ways to manage it should always be a top priority. You may understand compartmentalization as a defense mechanism that allows you to … Read more

Can Stress Cause Vertigo?

Yes, in some cases, people living with chronic stress report vertigo or dizziness when in stressful situations. This may lead someone to believe that their stress is causing them to lose their balance and coordination. What Is Vertigo? Vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel like you are moving or the world is spinning around … Read more

How to Love Yourself When Your Confidence Is Low

Confidence is an important part of self-love and loving yourself. When your confidence is low, it can be hard to move forward and feel good about who you are. However, there are steps you can take to increase your self-esteem and love yourself more. Below are 20 tips on how to love yourself when your confidence is low. … Read more

What Causes Chest Pressure During Stress?

Chest pressure and pain are symptoms closely linked to stress, anxiety, or panic.1 When you are stressed or panicked, your body releases stress hormones that can cause all kinds of physical symptoms, and chest pressure or pain is one of them.2 That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take chest pressure seriously, but that if you are … Read more

Can Your Heart Hurt From Stress?

Yes, in short, it’s possible for your heart to hurt from stress. Some of us may feel deeply attuned to how our body expresses stress. For instance, you may feel pain in your heart or somewhere in your chest. This article will explore why your heart can hurt from stress, when it may not be related … Read more

How to Deal With Micromanagers

A micromanager is someone who operates with excessive control and attention to detail.1 Working or interacting with them can be difficult because they can be controlling, critical, distrustful, and even suffocating.2 “There are micromanaging bosses, family members, teachers, coworkers, and sometimes even friends or partners,” says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist. If you’re dealing with … Read more

Should You Partake in Bare Minimum Mondays? Here’s What a Career Expert Says

Bare minimum Mondays are the idea of prioritizing yourself and your self-care over your job or career every Monday. The term was coined by TikTokker Marisa Jo Mayes. Career expert Travis Lindemoen, founder of Enjoy Mondays, says that “the concept of bare minimum Mondays is simple: invest time in what brings joy and replenishes energy.” As our culture shifts … Read more

Why the Beach Is Good for Your Mental Health

When the sun is out and warm weather is in the forecast, heading to the beach is a no-brainer for most. But, what makes the beach such an excellent place for mental health? Three words—water, sun, and air. All of these natural elements offer some form of mental health benefits that helps the mind relax and allow the … Read more

How to Beat the End-of-Summer Blues

Fall is the time when families are getting back into the swing of things after a summer of fun and relaxation. But this time of year can also spark feelings of anxiety and pressure to adjust to a more structured routine as school looms and travel plans dwindle. This package offers in-depth resources to gear … Read more