What Is Compounded Grief?

Compounded grief can be described as a series of losses that occur over a relatively brief period of time. Compounded grief, also known as cumulative grief, occurs when multiple losses pile up over one another. An example of compounded grief is experiencing the loss of a friend or a loved one, followed by the loss of … Read more

Symptoms of Treatment-Resistant Depression

Less than half of patients with depression can achieve full remission with the first treatment they receive,1 and approximately one-third of patients experience treatment-resistant depression (TRD).2 Treatment-Resistant Depression Treatment-resistant depression describes depressive symptoms that continue even after the treatment should have started working. Even if the treatment does have some effect, you might still be characterized as resistant … Read more

What to Know About Peer Pressure

What Is an Example of Peer Pressure? Peer pressure causes people to do things they would not otherwise do with the hope of fitting in or being noticed. For adolescents, peer relationships are the most important of all thus leading to an increased susceptibility to peer pressure. Things people may be peer pressured into doing … Read more

The Symptoms and Risks of Television Addiction

Is television or screen addiction real? This is a complicated, hotly debated question. Officially, if you go by the disorders listed in the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5), the “bible” of recognized mental health conditions, the answer is no.1 However, countless researchers (and laypeople alike) view screentime overuse as a looming … Read more

10 Basic Netiquette Rules

The rules of etiquette are just as important in the digital world as they are in the real world—and poor netiquette (also known as online etiquette or Internet etiquette) can stick around to haunt you for much longer. According to Avigail Lev, PsyD, the Founder and Director of the Bay Area CBT Center, good online … Read more

Exercise Addiction Is More Harmful Than We Think—Here Are the Risks

While it may not necessarily sound like a bad thing to everyone, exercise addiction can lead to real challenges, so you may wonder, what are the harms of exercise addiction? After all, numerous studies have demonstrated the physical and emotional health benefits of regular exercise—it is essential to our well-being.1 Unlike many other addictive behaviors, we are … Read more

What Is Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction is the compulsive or uncontrolled use of video games, in a way that causes problems in other areas of the person’s life. Often considered a form of computer addiction or internet addiction, video game addiction has been an increasing concern for parents as video games have become more commonplace and are often targeted … Read more

The Difference Between Impulsive and Compulsive Shopping

Who doesn’t love a great sale? Hitting the shops, looking for a bargain, and buying aesthetically pleasing items may be considered benign “retail therapy” by some. For others, however, shopping can turn into a problem. Impulsive buying and compulsive shopping are both shopping behaviors that can lead to feelings of regret and financial difficulties. While … Read more

Self-Help Groups for Shopping Addiction

Self-help groups can be a helpful resource if you have a shopping addiction. Surrounding yourself with a community of people who have shared the same or similar experiences can be extremely beneficial. Such groups often allow you to stay anonymous and offer support for people who consider themselves shopping addicts or shopaholics. Like most problems in life, … Read more