I Tried It: Ketamine Meditation

Tucking my ketamine lozenge into my purse with one hand as I ordered a Lyft with the other hand, all I could think of is how weird this was. I had been invited to a “ketitation,” a clever portmanteau of ketamine and meditation—and something I aggressively rolled my eyes at when the invite landed in … Read more

Wellbutrin Withdrawal: Overview, Symptoms & Coping

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is a common antidepressant that’s also prescribed for many other conditions such as anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and more. It’s also used as a smoking cessation aid. Like all antidepressants, it offers many potential benefits but doesn’t work for everyone. Unlike the others, however, it carries a much lower risk of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal … Read more

Avoidant Personality Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is an enduring pattern of behavior related to social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection that causes problems in work situations and relationships. The disorder is characterized by extreme shyness and sensitivity to criticism from others and is known as a Cluster C personality disorder or one that involves anxious and fearful personality disorders. AVPD … Read more

National Helpline Database

During a personal crisis, it can be difficult to know what to do. Stressful situations can cloud our judgment and provoke decisions or actions that may not be helpful, and not everybody has a support system they can turn to. Fortunately, if you feel overwhelmed by mental health issues of any kind, there are several … Read more

7 Common Types of Depression

When people think about depression, they often divide it into one of two things—either clinical depression which requires treatment or “regular” depression that pretty much anyone can go through. As a condition, depression can be a difficult concept to grasp since we refer to it as both the symptom of a condition and a condition itself. From a … Read more

An Overview of the Treatments for Depression

Depression is treatable and most people see improvements in their symptoms with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. That said, what works for one person might not necessarily work for another. It’s important to talk to your physician and or healthcare provider about which options may be most effective for you. To help with that discussion, … Read more

What to Know About Childhood Depression

Although most people think of depression as an adult illness, children and adolescents can develop depression as well. Unfortunately, many children with depression go untreated because adults don’t recognize they’re depressed. It’s important for parents, teachers, and other adults to learn about childhood depression. When you understand the symptoms of depression in children and the reasons children develop … Read more

How Depression Is Diagnosed According to the DSM-5

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a handbook that provides guidelines for clinicians who diagnose psychiatric illnesses. Each condition is categorized and given a clear set of criteria that must be met for a diagnosis to be made. The latest edition, commonly known as the DSM-5, was released by the American Psychiatric Association on May 18, … Read more

What To Know About Neurontin (Gabapentin)

Neurontin is a type of medication used to treat seizures in adults and children who are living with certain types of seizure disorders. It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. It works by decreasing the brain’s vulnerability to having seizures and can also help to reduce pain. Neurontin is also available as a generic … Read more

What Is Agitated Depression?

Agitated depression (AD) is a relatively severe type of clinical depression that combines the persistent sadness, pessimism, low energy, and low or “empty” mood of typical depression with agitated symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, restlessness, excessive talking, fidgeting, and/or angry outbursts. This mental health condition may also be referred to as unipolar, mixed state, mixed features, mixed mania, depression with psychomotor … Read more