Magical Thinking in Generalized Anxiety Disorder

What Is Magical Thinking? Magical thinking is the belief that your thoughts, feelings, or actions will affect someone’s behavior or the outcome of a situation.1 Many of us engage in magical thinking from time to time. Superstitions fall into the category of magical thinking, such as avoiding the 13th floor of a building or needing your lucky pencil … Read more

The Difference Between GAD and Adjustment Disorder

People experiencing significant anxiety related to changing circumstances in their lives may be confused about whether they are simply having a normal reaction to the change or are experiencing the beginning of an anxiety problem like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). To complicate things further, GAD is often confused with other mental health issues like adjustment disorder. Here’s what you should know about … Read more

The Difference Between Anxiety vs. Fear

While we often use anxiety and fear interchangeably, they are not the same thing. The two experiences are related and often share many of the same emotional and physical symptoms, but there are important differences that make them distinct—and understanding what makes them different can play an important part in how you deal with them. … Read more

How ‘Doomscrolling’ Impacts Your Mental Health—and How to Stop

According to psychotherapist and coach Tess Brigham, MFT, doomscrolling is mindlessly scrolling through negative news articles, social media posts, or other content-sharing platforms. Essentially, it’s reading one negative story after another. One Canadian study has even called this phenomenon “social media panic.”1 Although it may seem as if 2020 and all its hurdles (the COVID-19 pandemic, … Read more

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea?

We tend to think of anxiety as a condition that provokes emotions like unease, worry, fear, stress, and panic. However, it’s important to understand that anxiety disorders are in fact health conditions that can cause physical symptoms as well. Everyone experiences these symptoms differently. For instance, you may have butterflies in your stomach before a big test or meeting. … Read more

How Does Caffeine Affect Anxiety?

Coffee, tea, soda, and other foods and beverages containing caffeine are consumed by many adults each and every day, so it is perhaps not surprising to learn that caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world.1 Because caffeine is so intertwined in our daily diets, it is often easy to forget that it is a drug … Read more

Taking Magnesium for Anxiety: Does It Help?

Anxiety involves feelings of intense fear, unease, or nervousness. Such feelings can stem from particular events or situations, but they can also occur in a more generalized sense without a single identifiable source. No matter how it is experienced, anxiety is undoubtedly a common problem. According to the Anxiety and Depression Centers of America, 18.1% … Read more

What Is Destination Anxiety?

Destination anxiety refers to the belief that happiness is waiting for you at some point in the future when you attain something. This can be a new job, relationship, material possession, or anything else that you believe will make you happy. The problem with this way of thinking is that it leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction … Read more

ADHD Medication and Anxiety

It is not uncommon for people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to also have a co-occurring anxiety disorder. Because the two conditions share some similar symptoms, such as restlessness, it is important to rule out anxiety or other conditions when making an ADHD diagnosis. Additionally, stimulant-based medication can sometimes cause anxiety symptoms to worsen. Learn which medications can … Read more

What It Means to Be Paralyzed With Anxiety

One symptom of an anxiety disorder is feeling as if you are paralyzed with anxiety. This paralyzing anxiety may leave you feeling unable to move, speak, and think. Your arms and legs may feel heavy and immobile, you may be unable to form words, and you may struggle to process what is happening around you. Anxiety can … Read more