Understanding ADHD and Trauma

There is an increasing body of research that shows the close association between ADHD and trauma. For instance, evidence shows that trauma may exacerbate pre-existing ADHD symptoms in children.1 Additionally, traumatic events can cause children to respond and behave in a way that mimics the symptoms of ADHD. For example, constant emotional arousal can resemble … Read more

What Is Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG)?

Post-traumatic growth refers to positive changes in a person as a result of struggling with a major life crisis.1 If you’ve been through something traumatic, it may have been so painful and awful that it can feel like nothing will ever be the same again. It can be hard to imagine that something good could … Read more

How Trauma Can Affect Your Window of Tolerance

Traumatic experiences can overwhelm your neurological system, which can lead to heightened sensitivity and affect your ability to manage your emotions for many years afterward.1 In this article, we explore how trauma can affect your window of tolerance, signs that your window of tolerance has been disrupted, and steps you can take to heal. What Is … Read more

What Is Hypomania?

What Is Hypomania? Hypomania is characterized by overactive energy, mood, behavior, and activity levels significantly different from your normal state of mind. These mood episodes are usually shorter in duration and less severe than mania. Hypomania is a potential symptom of bipolar disorder, particularly bipolar II disorder.1 A hypomanic episode commonly manifests with unusual gaiety, … Read more

Quiz for Bipolar Hypomania Episodes

How do you know whether you’re hypomanic? Periods of hypomania are possible whether you have bipolar I or bipolar II disorder (although to be diagnosed as bipolar 1, you must have had a full-blown manic episode at some point in your illness). This quiz will help you determine whether you’ve ever had hypomania, which is defined as an … Read more

Flight of Ideas in Bipolar Disorder

Flight of ideas is a symptom that involves rapid, erratic speech that switches quickly between thoughts and ideas. People who experience this symptom talk rapidly and jump from one topic to the next.1 While bipolar disorder is generally considered a mood disorder, symptoms can also include disorders of thought—particularly during manic episodes. People in a manic state may have … Read more

What Is Akathisia?

Akathisia, also spelled acathisia, is a neuropsychiatric syndrome or movement disorder characterized by inner restlessness and the inability to sit or stand still for a reasonable period of time.1 Akathisia may appear as a side effect of the long-term use of antipsychotic medications, Lithium, and some other neuroleptic drugs. It is one of the most common side effects of antipsychotic medications; … Read more

How Sleep and Bipolar Disorder Interact

What do you need to know about sleep and sleep patterns when you have bipolar disorder? If you’ve found that your sleep patterns are abnormal, for example, if you either sleep 12 to 14 hours at a time or stay up all night, you may find that changing the way you sleep can substantially improve your … Read more

What Is Apathy?

What Is Apathy? Apathy involves a lack of interest in different aspects of life, including normal daily tasks and social activities. It is often seen in varying degrees in healthy people, but it is also a symptom of a number of different mental health conditions including depression. The origin of the term apathy comes from a … Read more

Differences Between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

Symptoms of Schizophrenia These are the main symptoms of schizophrenia in adults:1  1. For most of a month, a patient must have two of these symptoms: Delusions Hallucinations Disorganized speech — Derailment or incoherence (also known as word salad) where there is no connection between spoken words at all. For example, “Coffee abstract welcome tiptoes glue kitchen puppy.” If … Read more