How Do I Know If Therapy Is Working?

Starting therapy takes real courage, especially if it’s something you’ve never done before. It usually requires you to dig deep into yourself to examine your strengths and weaknesses and to work through painful trauma. Therapy also requires you to do the hard work of developing new skill sets and better coping mechanisms so that your relationships—both with yourself and … Read more

6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Therapy

Deciding to embark on therapy is a huge milestone. Months and years from now—after you’ve put in the hard work to identify issues and exact real change—you’ll be able to recognize that first step as a clear inflection point in your life. “Therapy is instrumental in supporting anyone’s mental health,” notes Allison Chase, PhD, CEDS. “It … Read more

What Is Family Stress Theory?

The family stress theory explores the changes within a family dynamic that occur as a result of a stressful event. The theory was developed by sociologist Reuben Hill in 1949. He was particularly interested in how families were impacted by World War II and looked into how war-induced separations and reunifications shifted families. Noticing that the separations … Read more

What Is the Stress-Vulnerability Model?

The Stress-Vulnerability Model is a tool that tells us how and why mental health ailments develop. The model was developed in 1977 by Zubin and Spring to explain the development of schizophrenia. After its initial introduction to the mental health world, the model extended to include a broad range of psychiatric diagnoses.1 Read on to learn more … Read more

Erotomania: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, Examples in Pop Culture

Erotomania, often called De Clérambault’s Syndrome, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the delusional belief that another person, usually of higher social status, is profoundly in love with the affected individual despite no evidence or reciprocation.1 “De Clérambault’s Syndrome” gets its name from Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault, a French psychiatrist who extensively studied and documented … Read more

How Existential Therapy Works

There are two things all humans have in common: We are born onto this Earth and we will die on this Earth. This knowledge of the human condition is the source of endless existential questions, concerns and searches for some sort of meaning to make sense of the time we’re here. It’s the driving force for … Read more