How to Save Money on Therapy

Deciding to start therapy is a wonderful and brave first step. Unfortunately, many people find that once they start looking for therapy options, many are simply unaffordable.1 This is a common problem, and can make the task of entering therapy that much more stressful. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways to find more affordable therapy and even free options … Read more

What to Do If You Can’t Afford Therapy Anymore

Mental health care is cost-prohibitive for many. According to Verywell Mind’s 2022 Cost of Therapy Survey, 40% of folks require financial support to afford their therapy sessions. This statistic highlights the current state of mental health and the barriers to receiving care.1 The survey also found the average cost of a therapy session to be $178 per month.1 Considering the median household … Read more

Should I Tell My Partner What Happens in Therapy?

Did you make a breakthrough in therapy that you would like to share with your partner? Are you mulling over something your therapist said that you would like your partner’s input on? Have you and your therapist been working on relationship issues that you think you might want to talk to your partner about? Has your partner ever … Read more

How to Choose the Best Type of Therapy For You

Deciding you’re ready to go to therapy is a huge first step. It is worth taking a moment to honor this decision because it is one that will likely change your life. However, the steps to finding the therapy you need can be rather daunting. In particular, choosing the right kind of therapy for you can be … Read more

Should I Tell My Therapist Everything?

Going to therapy is no easy feat. It takes courage to be willing to share your deepest feelings with a mental health professional. In therapy, it is completely normal to experience fears of judgment or hesitation to share intimate details of your life. In turn, you may feel uneasy at the thought of telling your therapist everything or … Read more

How to Change Your Therapist

First things first: If you’re currently receiving care from a mental health professional, please take a moment to celebrate this feat. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge you need some support. Finding a therapist who is a good fit for you can be challenging given the therapist shortage, racial disparities in the field, and ever-increasing costs of … Read more

How to Negotiate Your Therapy Rate

There may come a time when you need to negotiate your therapy rate. Perhaps you’re seeking out care with a therapist and would love to work with them but can’t afford their full rate. Maybe you’ve been laid off and can no longer afford how much you’ve been paying your therapist. You could be losing your health insurance and need to … Read more

Do I Have to Like My Therapist?

Therapy can feel like a unique and mysterious process. It isn’t uncommon to have questions about your treatment and therapist. All Therapist-Client Relationships Are Different A common question that can come up is if it is necessary to like your therapist. Some may feel challenged by how connected they feel to their therapist, worrying if they … Read more

Is Therapy Ever the Wrong Treatment Option?

You may have heard people say that anyone and everyone should go to therapy. And while therapy can be and is good for many people, like any other kind of health treatment—it might not be the right treatment for everyone. For starters, everyone should know that starting with therapy doesn’t automatically mean that just by showing up … Read more

What Is Therapy for Bipolar Disorder?

What Is Therapy for Bipolar Disorder? Medication is the mainstay for treating bipolar disorder, but the most successful and durable treatment involves a combination of both medication and therapy. Effective therapies for bipolar disorder include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family-focused therapy, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy. Group psychoeducation and peer-support programs are also useful therapies for bipolar … Read more