Have I Fallen Out of Love or Am I Depressed?

Every relationship has a natural ebb and flow, but if you’re stuck in what feels like an endless low point, you might wonder, “Am I falling out of love, or am I depressed?” The answer to that question can sometimes be much more complicated than expected. “People often fall out of love when they are depressed … Read more

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive in Your Relationship

It’s completely natural to have strong feelings in response to different triggers or scenarios as we move through life. How we react when we feel strong emotions is often learned and repeated from what we observe growing up. Sometimes, these reactions can become maladaptive responses that may hinder or harm our most important relationships. Chronic emotional reactivity … Read more

Can a Relationship Between Two Introverts Work?

There’s an old saying that opposites attract, but does anyone really want to partner with someone who has opposing values, or lifestyle habits? The cozier we can get with a new person, the better our chances of long-term survival as a couple. That said, sometimes too much of a good thing can become a total stomachache. … Read more

If You Want a Love That Lasts, Do These 5 Things

Discovering your person can feel like a dream come true. That’s why it may catch you off guard when fear unexpectedly creeps in. Intrusive thoughts arise: Would they love me if they really knew me? Is this relationship too good to be true? Will they leave me? Can this last forever? While the anxiety may feel overwhelming, … Read more

Are You Still in Love, Or Is It Just Easier to Stay Married?

A marriage of convenience is just that: a convenient union that lacks the intimacy and connection of a traditional marriage. This type of relationship may work effectively for many reasons. Some cultures value and prefer convenient marriages over love matches, while others find these marriages less satisfying or outright unacceptable. How does one enter into … Read more

Why You Need to Build Compersion in Your Relationships

Compersion is the experience of enjoying another’s positive experiences. In intimate relationships, compersion refers to the enjoyment of your partner’s erotic, sexual, or romantic encounters with others.1 Often referred to as the opposite of jealousy, it is an experience that many in non-monogamous relationships may relate to. However, it isn’t uncommon for those who are in monogamous relationships as … Read more

How to Heal an Avoidant Attachment Style, According to a Relationship Coach

Attachment theory suggests that our relationship patterns are significantly influenced by our formative interactions with our earliest caregivers. These early experiences unconsciously lay the groundwork for how we approach intimacy, resulting in secure, anxious, avoidant, or fearful attachment styles. In particular, the avoidant attachment style is commonly characterized by hyper-independence, conflict avoidance, and emotional distance. If you have an avoidant attachment … Read more