The Little Things in Relationships That Matter the Most

When we think of love and happy relationships, it’s often the big occasions and grand gestures that come to mind. Celebrating occasions like birthdays and anniversaries with one’s partner can be fun and exciting. Performing grand romantic gestures like gifting them something expensive, whisking them off on holiday, or treating them to a fancy meal can … Read more

Why It’s Good to Sleep Next to Your Partner

Deciding to sleep next to your partner can be a pretty big step. Since we spend about one-third of our days—and our lives—sleeping,1 this can feel like a pretty big commitment. While the thought of cuddling up with your partner can definitely seem cozy and appealing, you may wonder how it will affect your ability to sleep and … Read more

How to Stop Being Passive-Aggressive

If someone has accused you of being passive-aggressive, you may wonder what that means and what you can do to reduce this behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior is an attempt to control or manipulate someone without being honest about how you feel or what you want, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist. Read ahead to learn how … Read more

The Types and Signs of a Masochist

While sadism and masochism are sometimes confused, they have different meanings. A masochist is someone who enjoys receiving pain, while a sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting it. A masochistic person gains pleasure from experiencing various forms of pain. This can involve gaining sexual pleasure from pain or humiliation, but it can also refer to … Read more

How to Overcome the Seven-Year Itch

The seven-year itch or 7-year itch refers to the notion that divorce rates reach their height around the seven-year mark of commitment. While this concept has been widely disputed, it is a concern that plagues many if they start experiencing marital issues seven years into their relationship. The seven-year itch doesn’t necessarily refer to a desire to divorce—it … Read more

Double Standards: How to Identify and Avoid Them in Relationships

A double standard in a relationship occurs when an individual has certain expectations of their partner but does not believe the same expectation should be applied to them. They are unfair expectations that can harm a relationship. Double standards can appear in different aspects of the relationship such as finances, physical appearance, and sexual behaviors. Read … Read more

How to Resist the Temptation to Cheat in a Relationship

Relationships can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling but can also have challenging moments. It’s not uncommon to experience a whirlwind of emotions in a relationship, feeling deeply in love one minute and struggling with temptations that may challenge your commitment the next. Cheating can inflict lasting damage on your relationship and cause immense pain for … Read more