How Sleep and Bipolar Disorder Interact

What do you need to know about sleep and sleep patterns when you have bipolar disorder? If you’ve found that your sleep patterns are abnormal, for example, if you either sleep 12 to 14 hours at a time or stay up all night, you may find that changing the way you sleep can substantially improve your … Read more

Vivid Dreams, Nightmares, and Night Terrors in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition that causes extreme swings in mood that affect thoughts, behaviors, and energy levels.  It can also affect a person’s sleep, including causing unusually vivid dreams, nightmares, and night terrors.1 This can be a frustrating experience for people who are already dealing with the ups and downs of their condition. Unfortunately, some … Read more

What Are Nocturnal Panic Attacks?

Nocturnal panic attacks occur while a person is sleeping. They cause a person to wake from sleep with symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, profuse sweating, and difficulty breathing. All panic attacks can be frightening experiences, but they can be even more terrifying if they startle you out of your sleep. Nocturnal panic attacks can potentially contribute … Read more

How to Deal With Stress Insomnia

Stress insomnia is when high levels of stress and anxiety prevent you from getting adequate sleep. Are you so stressed about finances, your job, a relationship conflict, or another issue that you’re experiencing insomnia? At any given time, about one-third of adults have insomnia in some form.1 Although these sleep issues aren’t always due to stress, when the two … Read more

Why Am I Having Racing Thoughts at Night?

Racing thoughts that make it so you can’t sleep can be caused by stress, anxiety, mental illness, medications, or excessive caffeine consumption. Such thoughts can be hard to control, cause you to feel overwhelmed, and make it difficult or impossible to sleep. If you experience racing thoughts at night, you are far from alone. Many of … Read more

Effective Ways to Manage Evening Anxiety

Anxiety at night can stem from various sources. Since there are fewer distractions at night, you may find yourself focusing on your worries about work, family, or money. Then, there is the stress and worry that happens when you get anxious about not being able to fall asleep. If anxiety is keeping you up at … Read more

9 Ways to Cope With Work Stress and Avoid Burnout

Research has indicated that the percentage of Americans who are stressed at work is high—and it’s only getting higher. According to a survey of more than 2,000 full-time U.S. employees, ages 18-79, more than half of employees find themselves stressed during at least 60 percent of the workweek.1 Work stress has significant health consequences that … Read more

20 Things to Say to Your Co-Worker Who’s Having a Hard Time

Workplace relationships are nuanced. Having close, positive relationships with colleagues is associated with increased well-being in the workplace, which should come as no surprise.1 If you’ve ever worked in a toxic workplace, which unfortunately many of us have, then you also know the intense toll negative workplace relationships can have. Workplace toxicity not only diminishes employee performance – … Read more

7 Reasons Why You Need a Work Bestie

Even if you absolutely love your job, you can’t deny that it comes with some challenges. Maybe the routine feels a little mundane, or perhaps you’ve got the opposite problem and things never seem to slow down. Oh, and you can’t forget about the inevitable workplace stressors, drama, and challenging interpersonal dynamics. Talking about work with a … Read more

What Does It Take to Be a Power Couple?

George and Amal Clooney. Beyonce and Jay Z. George Lucas and Mellody Hobson. Angela Bassett and Courtney Vance. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Michelle and Barack Obama. Victoria and David Beckham. What do each of these couples have in common? They have achieved success in their industries. They have spoken highly of each other. And … Read more