How Sexual Chemistry Develops and What It Feels Like

Sexual chemistry is when you have an immediate physical attraction to someone. Signs of sexual chemistry include sweaty palms, shortness of breath, and feeling a quick, intense draw to the other person. Sexual chemistry is usually obvious at the beginning of a relationship and is an important component of many relationships.1 The danger is you might … Read more

Why You Might Cry During Sex

For many people, sex is a very emotional act. When having sex, you might find that you experience many emotions, from pleasure to joy. Some people might even become so overwhelmed by feelings that they start to cry. The first thing you should know if you’ve ever found yourself in that situation is that, while it … Read more

8 Tips to Get You in the Mood for Sex

When two characters are about to have sex in books and movies, they appear to be all hot and ready as soon as they go through the bedroom doors, but this doesn’t always happen in reality. While some days you might not even make it to the bedroom before ripping off your partner’s clothes, on … Read more

What Is Intimate Sex?

When two people feel close and connected, their participation in sexual acts can be deemed as intimate sex. While casual sex (which doesn’t involve future expectations or a romantic, emotional commitment) has merit, adding intimacy can improve a person’s sexual experience.1 Here we explore the many benefits of being intimate with a partner sexually, along with both … Read more

What Is Unicorn Polyamory?

Unicorn polyamory (aka unicorn poly) is the term for when two people who are in a relationship (typically a heterosexual couple of one man and one woman) add a third party to the relationship. This partner is usually a bisexual woman, though they could also be a bisexual man or a nonbinary person. That third party is called the unicorn, and they are … Read more

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Celibacy

Celibacy is a vow of long-term restraint from sexual intercourse, often until marriage.1 There are some instances that individuals vow to reframe from sex for a lifetime, for example, priests or nuns. Other’s may decide to remain celibate for a specific duration of time, such as a few months or years, possibly until they are in a … Read more

How Sexual Repression Can Impact Your Life

Sexual repression refers to when a person prevents themselves from feeling or experiencing their natural sexual urges and desires. Someone who is repressed sexually will often hold negative ideas toward sex, sometimes considering the act, and everything associated with it, wrong. Here we take a deeper look into the history of sexual repression, its causes, and … Read more

Bigamy vs. Polygamy

There are different forms of marriage. In contrast to the common practice of only two partners marrying one another, societies exist whose members toe a different path. One such form is bigamy. Bigamy is defined as the act of going through a marriage ceremony with one person while legally married to another. Polygamy is having more than one … Read more

How to Initiate Sex With Your Partner

Sex can be a pleasurable experience to share with a partner. From foreplay and teasing to the exploration of physical touch, sexual intimacy can bring you closer as a couple.1 But, for some people, not knowing how to initiate sex (or being uncomfortable doing so) can stop them from taking this step in their relationship. Some … Read more

How to Talk to Your Partner About Period Sex

There are many reasons to talk openly about sex with your partner, especially because communicating clearly and honestly about sex has been proven to lead to better sex, and lack of communication can lead to emotional, relational, and sexual problems in relationships.1 However, talking about sex at all can be challenging for many people. When it comes … Read more