Can You Have Too Much Empathy?

If you walk in someone else’s shoes who is going through a difficult time, you feel their pain. When it happens too often, though, you can suffer the consequences of having too much empathy. Feeling another’s distress can wear you out or turn you apathetic after a while. It can also cause mental health challenges. While there … Read more

What Is Emotional Validation?

Emotional validation is the process of learning about, understanding, and expressing acceptance of another person’s emotional experience. Emotional validation is distinguished from emotional invalidation when a person’s emotional experiences are rejected, ignored, or judged. Validating an emotion doesn’t mean that you agree with the other person or that you think their emotional response is warranted. Rather, you … Read more

What Does It Mean to Feel Overwhelmed?

Do you feel like you have so much going on that you’re struggling to cope with it all? Or, are you going through something stressful that’s making it difficult for you to function? These are some of the signs of being overwhelmed. When overwhelmed, a person is flooded by thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations—often related to … Read more

I Think I’m Paranoid: What to Do If You Feel This Way

You constantly feel like people are out to get you or threaten you in some way. You feel suspicious of every little thing in life. You’d characterize yourself as someone who jumps to conclusions often, usually without evidence. If this describes you, you may be wondering if you are paranoid, and if so, what that means. … Read more

Cornerstone Christian Counseling Online Therapy Review

Cornerstone Christian Counseling’s Code of Ethics, based on Biblical principles, explains how counselors are expected to approach homosexuality, abortion, premarital sex, divorce, and other topics in therapy. To ensure the company is the right fit, we suggest that everyone read this code of ethics before signing up. Founded by the husband-and-wife team of Sean and … Read more

How to Spot a Sense of Entitlement in Someone You Know

A sense of entitlement is a personality trait based on the belief that someone deserves special treatment or recognition for something they didn’t earn. People with this mindset believe that the world owes them without giving anything in return.1 The sense of entitlement that is seen in children is not always negative. Throughout the stages … Read more

How to Deal With Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are unpleasant and disruptive emotional reactions. Examples of negative emotions include sadness, fear, anger, or jealousy. These feelings aren’t just unpleasant; they also make it hard to function in your normal daily life, and they interfere with your ability to accomplish goals.1 It is important to note that no emotion, including a negative … Read more

How Parents Can Help Troubled Teens Cope With Anger

Many teens get into trouble because of an inability to appropriately discharge feelings of intense anger. Teens become angry for various reasons and express these feelings in a multitude of ways, but all have in common the struggle of experiencing a painful emotion and not knowing how to manage it. Inappropriate expressions of anger can … Read more

How Many Human Emotions Are There?

Emotions rule so much of our lives. Even writers and poets seem incapable of describing the full range and experience of human emotions. Emotions are at once elusive yet the facet by which we communicate the subtlest of feelings to those around us. We can’t exist without them but rarely stop to consider how many there … Read more

How Emotions and Organs Are Connected in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), emotions and physical health are intimately connected. This integrated mind-body approach to health and healing operates in a dynamic loop where emotions impact the health of the body and vice versa. For example, according to TCM theory, excessive irritability and anger can affect the liver and result in multiple ailments, including menstrual … Read more