How Important Is Alone Time for Mental Health?

People tend to be social creatures, and research has shown that social connections are vital for both emotional and physical well-being. However, alone time, which is sometimes called private time or solitary time and simply means spending time by yourself, is also good for you as it plays a positive role in mental health. Being around other … Read more

Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality

When you aren’t accepting of your body, it can lead to more negative emotions and could even contribute to the development of an eating disorder.1 Two approaches for being more accepting of your body—imperfections and all—are body positivity and body neutrality. Here we explore what these approaches mean, as well as how they came about (the body … Read more

6 Ways to Become a Nicer Person

Being nice to others is an important way to spread kindness and positivity. In addition to benefitting others, research suggests that this type of prosocial behavior can also boost your own mental well-being. How to Become a Nicer Person Becoming a nicer person isn’t as hard as you might think. There are things that you … Read more

Does Stress Affect Blood Sugar?

Stress is a powerful thing, and while we usually think of it as affecting our moods, it can also have profound effects on our bodies, including our ability to regulate blood sugar. As stress hormones are released, our insulin levels drop, which can cause a rise in blood sugar. This can be particularly serious for someone who … Read more

How to Set Boundaries With Your Partner

In relationships, boundaries help you define what you are comfortable with and how you would like to be treated by your partner, says Leigh McInnis, LPC, executive director at Newport Healthcare, Virginia. When it comes to love, people tend to think that they should love their partners unconditionally and be willing to do anything for them. However, unconditional love isn’t … Read more

‘I Need Attention:’ What This Means and How to Stop Needing It

Everyone wants attention from time to time. It’s a natural human desire to want to receive validation and praise. However, needing attention suggests that you cannot function without receiving attention and validation from other people. Because of this need, you might exhibit attention-seeking behaviors to get the attention you crave. While it’s perfectly normal to want attention from friends, loved ones, and … Read more

What Is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management tool that involves splitting work tasks into 25-minute intervals, known as pomodoros, with breaks scheduled in between each interval.1 Getting something done on time and ticking it off your to-do list can be extremely satisfying. However, it can sometimes be hard to get things done if you’re having trouble managing … Read more

What to Know About Atelophobia (Fear of Imperfection)

Atelophobia is an intense and excessive fear of being imperfect or making mistakes, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist. Everyone feels like they can’t get anything right from time to time. For most people, this feeling is infrequent and fleeting. However, some people have an intense fear of imperfection that can interfere with their ability to live … Read more

How to Deal With a Condescending Partner

Dealing with a romantic partner who is condescending can be difficult, and painful. When someone is condescending, they talk down to you and act in a way that implies that they are better than you. It inherently shows a lack of respect, since the person seeks to show you that you are inferior to them. Their tone, words, … Read more

The Importance of Mindful Communication for Mental Health

Mindfulness is the practice of being consciously aware of the present moment, free of judgment.1 This form of communication involves the use of mindfulness practices when communicating with other people. Communication is often a learned behavior influenced by parents, peers, and role models.2 It is beneficial for an individual to learn mindfulness principles and implement them in relationships and social interactions. Read … Read more