What Is Shadow Work, Exactly?

Is there a side of you that you suppress during certain social situations? Or maybe one you don’t even know you hide? That’s your shadow. Shadow work is uncovering the hidden parts of your psyche to understand yourself more, heal from old wounds, and improve relationships. In other words, it’s the work you do on … Read more

How to Make Your Personality Work for You

The people who are the most financially successful tend to be extroverts, according to the World Economic Forum. Personality traits like being outgoing, willing to engage with other people, being expressive, and having high energy can have a positive impact on the careers and lives of extroverts. But personality is more than just the traits you exhibit; it’s … Read more

How to Get More Energy Naturally

Missing that ol’ spring in your step? Not having enough energy to make it through our days with gusto can quickly bring even the best of us down. We need energy for everything we do, so it makes sense that if you’re feeling a little lethargic, nothing seems quite right. You might have already reached for a … Read more

How to Transform Your Life Through a Spiritual Awakening

Who doesn’t love a way of thinking that benefits your mental health, and is calming and centering? Almost 75% of American adults say they want to grow spiritually, according to a 2022 Barna survey.1 Close to 80% of U.S. adults say they believe in a higher power, per the same survey.1 Forty-five percent of U.S. adults say … Read more