Can You Benefit From “Lucky Girl Syndrome”?

What if the secret to getting everything you wanted was as simple as proclaiming to anyone who would listen that you’re extremely lucky? Let’s take it a step further: what if you simply had to say you’re lucky to no one but the ‘universe’ for you to have the life of your dreams? According to … Read more

A Lymphatic Drainage Massage May Be What Your Self-Care Routine Needs

Lymphatic drainage massage has been getting a lot of buzz lately, primarily for its purported sculpting and detoxing benefits. In fact, videos with the #lymphaticdrainagemassage hashtag have crossed 200 million views on TikTok. But the massage technique can do more than make your skin glow and cheekbones pop. Disclaimer It’s best to consult your healthcare practitioner before … Read more

How to Let Go of the Past and Embrace Your Future

We have a natural tendency to dwell on the past. After all, our experiences and decisions—including the good and the not-so-pretty—ultimately help inform who we are today and can have a lasting impact on our world. As important as past experiences are, though, they don’t have to define us or hold us back in our … Read more

Should I Try Cycle Syncing? Here’s What the Experts Say

If you’re someone who menstruates, you’ve probably noticed that your moods and energy levels fluctuate based on where you are in your cycle. For example, right before your period, you might feel irritable and sluggish, but in the middle of your cycle, you might notice a burst of energy.1 What if you were able to adjust your … Read more

10 Ways to Make Your Monday Better

What is it about Mondays that always has us struggling? Somehow, the day just drags on and on, with no end in sight. The dread sets in on Sunday night and when that alarm clock goes off Monday morning, the very thought of getting up and facing everything that’s piled up over the weekend is enough to … Read more

5 Self-Compassion Exercises to Practice Daily

We all go through difficult times, make mistakes, or say the wrong thing sometimes. In these situations, our inner critic often takes over, scolding us and leaving us feeling angry, upset, disappointed, embarrassed, or ashamed at ourselves. But what if there was a way to navigate these difficulties with kindness and understanding instead? That’s where self-compassion comes … Read more