Can You Create the Life You Want Through Manifestation Meditation?

Manifestation meditation is a self-help approach to achieving goals through visualization and intentional thought. During manifestation meditation, you utilize meditative techniques to focus on visualizing goals and outcomes. The hope is that it will help align your thoughts and emotions so that you’ll be better prepared to bring about the changes you hope to see … Read more

Feeling Anxious? Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

When we’re feeling anxious or panicked, our mind races and our thoughts bounce from one worst case scenario to another. In the midst of this spiral, it can be hard to see a way out. However, there are simple exercises that can help us regain control of our thoughts. They’re known as grounding techniques, because they … Read more

What Happens to Your Brain When You Meditate Every Day?

People who meditate regularly swear by it, but others are often skeptical of it, thinking it’s a little, you know, woo-woo. But what if we told you that meditation is actually a powerful way to train your brain to be calmer and sharper? That scientific studies have shown that meditating regularly can alter brain shape, size, and … Read more

Having Trouble Meditating? A Mantra Can Help

A mantra is the continuous repetition of a particular word or phrase. Adding mantras to your meditation practice may help to improve your mental health. The History of Mantras Let’s break down the term mantra using its etymology. In Sanskrit, ‘Man’ means mind, and ‘tra’ means tool or vehicle. For this reason, mantras can be … Read more

How You Should Meditate, According to Your Personality

Something many don’t realize about meditation is that it comes in a plethora of forms. Sure, there’s the traditional practice of sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed and hands in prana mudra form, but that’s just the tip of the meditation iceberg! From loving-kindness meditation to sound baths and even walking meditations, each type has its … Read more

How an Ice Bath Benefits Your Mental Health

Looking for a quick and inexpensive activity that can ease your aches, boost your mood, and jump start your day? An ice bath may be exactly what you need. Where once the suggestion that someone “take a cold shower” was meant as a way to cool down feelings of lust, we’ve now come to understand … Read more

Can Sensory Deprivation Boost Your Mental Health?

We live in a busy world with constant stimulation. Between phone notifications, endless work-life responsibilities, media consumption, and our often stressful, interrupting thoughts, it seems we all could use a break from the “noise” of life. Enter the idea of sensory deprivation “float tanks.” Sensory deprivation tanks, formally known as flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy), have … Read more