How to Do Meditation

For many, the concept of meditation is intriguing, but doing it may seem out of reach. Meditation can even seem pretty obscure to most people, yet it can actually be very simple. This article will help you learn what meditation is and if there is a specific way to meditate. You will also learn some of the … Read more

How Long Should You Meditate?

The ideal length of time to meditate per session varies among individuals and practices. Generally, however, experts recommend meditating for between five and 45 minutes per day. If you’re a beginner, start with short sessions of a few minutes, and add time as you develop your meditating skills. Experts vary on specifics, but the ideal … Read more

What to Know About Crying During Meditation

You sit down to meditate. At first, all is peaceful and quiet as you feel your breath moving slowly in and out. Suddenly, though, you begin to feel tears well up in your eyes, and before you know it, you are full-on sobbing. This is not at all what you expected to happen during meditation, and … Read more

How to Meditate With Crystals

Perhaps you own some crystals or have seen them at a yoga or meditation studio, and you’re wondering how to meditate with crystals—or why someone would do so. Crystals are more than just pretty rocks. (They’re technically minerals.) Ancient writings show that crystals have been used in healing for a long time; it’s only recently … Read more

Meditation Tips and Potential Benefits for Men

Meditation has grown in recent years, with everyone from Paul McCartney to LeBron James to Oprah Winfrey reporting having a meditation practice, but yet, there are still more women than men who report meditating regularly. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of people who reported meditating in the National Health Information Survey more than tripled.1 In … Read more

Earthing–A Technique to Help Ground Your Body

Earthing, also known as grounding, allows people to directly connect their bodies with the Earth and use its natural electric charges to stabilize them.1 This practice involves walking barefoot outdoors or using indoor grounding systems while sleeping or sitting. Although earthing can positively impact the mind, this form of grounding differs from the practice used in mental … Read more

When Is the Best Time to Meditate?

Meditation is a practice that can help you relax and cope better with stress. It can also have a wide range of other health benefits. Even if you’ve enjoyed the practice in the past, finding the time to incorporate regular meditation into your life isn’t always easy. Does when you meditate have an impact on the benefits … Read more

Mindfulness vs. Meditation: What’s the Difference?

Mindfulness and meditation are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they’re not exactly the same. Still, both practices can be intertwined as we try to become more grounded and self-aware in our lives. Mindfulness is the mental state in which you focus your awareness on the present. Meditation is a tool we can use to develop a … Read more