Holotropic Breathwork Benefits and Risks

Holotropic breathing, more often referred to as holotropic breathwork (HB), is a practice that involves controlling and quickening breathing patterns to influence your mental, emotional, and physical states. It was derived from a spiritual framework but is also a trademarked activity1 that has become increasingly popular among those seeking to explore a unique process of self-healing … Read more

What Is Kundalini Meditation?

In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of feminine energy that is said to be coiled at the base of the spine. The word Kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “coiled snake.” This energy can then be awakened through yoga, mantras, asanas, and meditation. Kundalini meditation is part of Kundalini yoga and is meant to … Read more

What Is a Sound Bath?

Though a sound bath may seem like a “new age” concept, the practice of healing bodies through sound is technically thousands of years old with deep roots in cultures across the world. A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, … Read more

Best Meditation Retreats

Meditation practitioners and researchers agree that meditation can help reduce stress, improve mental and physical well-being, and calm the mind and body. It does this by triggering the body’s relaxation response and quieting the stress-induced thoughts that can cause a state of agitation. For some, a quiet room in the house or a peaceful spot in … Read more

What To Know about the Mind-Body Practice of Tai Chi

Short for t’ai chi chüan, Tai Chi is rooted in Chinese medicine — qigong to be exact — and is thousands of years old. The practice fuses both martial arts and meditation, which might seem like an unlikely combination. However, the idea is to slow down both your mind and body by repeating rhythmic choreography and breath work … Read more

What Is Mindful Eating?

What Is Mindful Eating? Mindful eating is the act of being present while eating or drinking. You probably eat while working, watching TV, talking on the phone, or doing any number of tasks throughout your day. You may not notice when you’ve eaten a few pieces of candy, poured yourself another cup of coffee, or … Read more

What Is a Brain Orgasm?

What is a brain orgasm? A brain orgasm—technically known as an autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)—refers to a recently defined sensory experience some people have in response to specific stimuli. This tingly, warm feeling of relaxation that comes in waves over the head, neck, and spine is typically described as pleasant, even euphoric. Soothing auditory and/or visual … Read more

How Meditation Can Help You Through the Winter

In the cold, dark days of winter, many of us may wake up later, leave our houses less, and struggle to stay motivated. These months are likely to feel longer and more stressful than sunnier seasons. Meditation is one mind-body practice that can have powerful mood-boosing benefits. It can be a beneficial tool for combatting the winter … Read more

Meditation Facts: Why You Don’t Have to Clear Your Mind

Meditating is a beneficial and healthful activity. It aids in helping people deal with stress, difficult periods of time, medical conditions, and emotional wellness. But there is a lot of popular dogma around the subject of meditation that can discourage people from trying it, or from feeling successful at it when they do give it a shot. Whether … Read more

How to Meditate at Home

Meditation is an ancient practice that involves focusing the mind. It increases awareness, promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves well-being. It also offers benefits for your physical health.1 If you want to begin meditating, your home is a great place to start, says Steph Strauss, a certified yoga instructor and meditation teacher. This article explores … Read more