Are You Burnt Out? Take This Quiz to Find Out

It’s easy to feel exhausted, drained, and overwhelmed when we’re constantly juggling a zillion things at a time. Whether it’s a demanding job, parenting, caregiving, housekeeping, or other responsibilities, the pressure can take a major toll.1 Sometimes, it boils over to a point where we feel like we just can’t anymore. Burnout isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a very … Read more

‘Why Is Life So Hard?’ How to Cope When You Feel This Way

There’s no denying that life can feel truly overwhelming these days. If you’re feeling like the challenges you’re facing are too much, you’re certainly not alone. As of 2020, 65% of adults in the United States stated they were stressed, specifically by the current circumstances in our country. That’s 2 in 3 adults, meaning the majority of … Read more

Face Yoga Is Taking TikTok By Storm—But Does It Really Work?

You’re scrolling through your TikTok feed and see a creator making the weirdest facial expressions— lifting their cheekbones to mimic a Joker-like smile or making kissy faces at the ceiling. You’re probably thinking, “What kind of weird trend is everyone doing now?” The answer? An ancient practice called face yoga. Face yoga is exactly what … Read more

75 Ways to Boost Your Mood Right This Very Second

Sometimes, the day sort of gets you down, or you find yourself in a slog that’s hard to work your way out of. Maybe something happened at work that wasn’t great, you’re working through a complicated situationship, or you got some not-so-great news. Hey, we’ve all been there and you’re definitely not alone in this ever-spinning roller coaster … Read more

Chair Yoga—an Accessible and Effective Exercise

Yoga, as both a wellness and a philosophical practice, has many variations. Beyond the most traditional versions of yoga, rooted in long-honed Eastern traditions, there are versions like hot yoga, there’s yoga focused on memory, yin yoga, flow yoga—the list goes on and on. If you ask someone how many forms of yoga there are, … Read more