Physiological Symptoms of Stress

When the body feels overwhelmed by environmental stressors, it may respond in ways to protect itself from what appears to be threatening.1 Yaribeygi H, Panahi Y, Sahraei H, Johnston TP, Sahebkar A. The impact of stress on body function: A review. EXCLI J. 2017;16:1057-1072. Published 2017 Jul 21. doi:10.17179/excli2017-480 As a defense, the body produces chemical reactions … Read more

What Treatments Are Offered at a Mental Hospital?

A mental hospital, also known as a psychiatric hospital, is a facility that provides specialized inpatient care for mental health conditions. Mental hospitals often provide care and treatment for people with serious mental health illnesses. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a serious mental illness is a mental, emotional, or behavioral condition leading … Read more

10 Signs You May Be Overstressed

Stress is the body’s normal response to change. It can be physical, emotional, or mental. Whether it’s meeting an upcoming deadline or organizing a birthday party, stress is part of everyday life. However, everyone reacts to stress differently. Feeling stressed may be obvious for some but others may not notice until it becomes more severe. A 2015 observation … Read more

What Is Allostatic Load?

What Is Allostatic Load? Allostatic load refers to the cumulative effects that chronic stress has on mental and physical health. More simply, it refers to the ‘wear and tear’ on the body that life events and environmental stressors create. When events occur that exceed an individual’s capacity to cope, allostatic overload may occur. Allostatic load was introduced by … Read more

Can Stress Cause Diabetes?

Stress is a normal reaction that can have various physical and mental effects, including elevated blood glucose levels. Stress by itself does not cause diabetes, but there is some evidence that excessive and chronic stress can increase the risk of developing the condition. Experiencing stress can also make managing diabetes more challenging, and having diabetes may contribute … Read more

Does Stress Cause Grey or White Hair?

Is your age to blame for those pesky frosted strands? Or is something else going on? Simply put, stress can potentially cause grey or white hair.1 This article discusses the causes of grey and white hair, how stress plays a role in this, whether it is permanent and some tips to help prevent those premature … Read more

Understanding Stress and Neck Pain

Stress involves physical and mental responses to pressure or threats. It can have a wide range of effects on health, including increased muscle tension that can contribute to neck pain. Neck pain is one of the most common complaints people bring to their doctor. In 2019, it occurred in 27 out of every 1,000 people.1 In this … Read more

What Is Toxic Stress?

Stress1 is a biological response to external or internal pressures. If the stressors are severe and persistent, stress can be considered toxic. Healthy Stress Can Be Good for You Stress is a universal occurrence and a normal experience. It can be positive or negative. A 2015 study from the University of California, Berkeley2 found how acute levels … Read more

How Stress Affects the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is a long nerve that runs from your brainstem all the way down to your abdomen. It is responsible for many different functions, including heart rate, digestion, and immunity. It is also one of the most important nerves in the body for maintaining mental health.1 However, chronic stress can impact the vagus … Read more

What to Know About CBD Oil for Stress Relief Treatment

Cannabis sativa, commonly referred to as cannabis, is a plant that contains over 60 compounds known as cannabinoids. Among these compounds is cannabidiol (CBD) which, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), doesn’t produce psychoactive effects. CBD has become a widely used product over the past several years. The FDA has only approved it in one product to treat seizures associated with … Read more