Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Its Impact on Mental Health

Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of several syndromes within a group of disorders known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), where a child experiences issues with growth, central nervous system problems, facial feature differences, and problems with attention span, learning, vision, and hearing. FAS is caused by alcohol consumption by a pregnant person. FASD results … Read more

Understanding the Link Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

Language Note Substance use professionals have moved away from terms like “substance abuse” and refer instead to “substance dependence,” as the term “abuse” is considered blaming and stigmatizing. The diagnostic term for substance use and dependence that interfere with functioning is “substance use disorder.” This article refers to “substance dependence” rather than “abuse” due to … Read more

What Does It Take to Get Sober? 3 People Share How They Coped

Sobriety is becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle choice. Celebrities are the faces of non-alcoholic brands, mocktail bars are popping up in major cities, and ‘sober curious’ is becoming a household term for those who are re-evaluating their relationship to alcohol. However, we live in a culture where alcohol is a common ingredient in all social gatherings, … Read more

Single Parenting Stress: How to Beat Burnout

Single parenting has become increasingly common as more single mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other caregivers raise children without a co-parent. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, almost a quarter of all children in the U.S. under the age of 18 live in a single-parent household.1 The psychological effects of being a single … Read more

What to Do When Life Feels Out of Control

Although we can make life plans, things don’t always go the way we expect. Our relationship doesn’t last, our position at work is cut, or some other obstacle is unexpectedly placed in our way. When these unexpected situations add up, it’s easy to become anxious and feel as if life is out of control. Learning why … Read more

Is Your Child Dealing With Stress?

As a parent, there is almost nothing more heartbreaking or challenging than when your child is stressed. Sometimes it’s obvious when your child is experiencing stress—they act out, cry more than usual, or your parental instincts tell you that something is “off” with them. But other times, it’s not clear that your child is experiencing stress, … Read more

Worry Time: The Benefits of Scheduling Time to Stress

If you tend to worry about things constantly, you may find it difficult to stop despite your best efforts. The stress can interfere with your ability to sleep, work, or enjoy leisure activities. The worry time technique can help with this. What Exactly Is Worry Time? The worry time technique involves scheduling a time during the … Read more