What It Means to Feel “Dead Inside”

“I feel dead inside” is a statement you might hear people make or something that you may have felt yourself. For anyone who has never experienced it, feeling dead inside can be hard to imagine. And, those who have struggled with it might not always have the right words to explain the confusion, sadness, and … Read more

How to Cope With Sibling Grief

The pain you feel after a sibling dies can be immense. Feeling grief or a huge sense of loss are natural responses to losing someone important in your life. Losing a brother or sister is especially challenging. This article will discuss why the loss of a sibling is different than other types of loss, how sibling loss … Read more

How to Switch to a New Antidepressant Safely

If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition such as depression, your healthcare provider may prescribe antidepressant medication to help treat it. These medications work by rebalancing some of the chemicals in your brain, known as neurotransmitters.1 There are several different types of antidepressant medications and it’s important to find the one that works best for … Read more

When Should I Call a Depression Hotline?

We’ll start by saying this plainly: Experiencing depression can be immensely debilitating. It isn’t uncommon to feel exhausted, isolated, and hopeless when in the throes of depression. Sometimes, depression can even lead to feelings of questioning if you want to be alive. For this reason, mental health professionals have created depression hotlines. These are phone numbers you can … Read more

Unipolar Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Unipolar depression is a term used interchangeably with major depressive order,1 APA Dictionary of Psychology. Unipolar Disorder.  and is characterized by continuous feelings of sadness, low mood, feelings of worthlessness, lack of interest in activities you used to enjoy, as well as suicidal ideation.2 Unipolar disorder is a serious mental health disorder affecting 8.4% of the U.S. … Read more

‘What Is the Point of Life?’: Why You Might Feel This Way

It’s normal for everyone to wonder about their purpose. At times, however, you might question existence to the point where you wonder, “What is the point of life?” When such feelings are accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, and disinterest, it might signify a mental health condition such as depression. If you’re wondering if there … Read more

What to Know About the Acceptance Stage of Grief

After a loss, you may experience many different emotions, including shock, denial, grief, anger, guilt, and regret. Eventually however, you may reach a stage of acceptance. “Acceptance doesn’t mean that you feel happy about the loss. Rather, in this stage, there is finally an acceptance of the pain and loss you experienced, and you start to … Read more

What Are the ICD-10 Criteria for Depression?

The ICD-10 is a medical coding system primarily designed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It includes mental and behavioral disorders but is not limited to psychiatric disorders. Medical professionals use it to diagnose patients.1 The ICD-10 criteria for depression are a set of symptoms and signs that indicate the presence of the disorder. History of … Read more