Why Flirting Is Good for Your Mental Health

Picture this: you’re at your favorite downtown bar with your friends, wearing your best jeans and you’re having a great hair day. You lock eyes with someone cute across the bar and they smile. You smile back and they get up to walk over. A warm little jolt of electricity runs up your spine. You … Read more

What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship?

If you’re seeing someone casually and things are going well, the thought of being exclusive with them may cross your mind. An exclusive relationship is where both partners agree to focus on each other and not see other people. “An exclusive relationship is typically the natural progression on the path to a more committed, monogamous relationship,” says Sabrina … Read more

Is a Rebound Relationship a Bad Idea?

Being in a new relationship can be exciting. However, if you’ve recently been through a breakup and aren’t over your ex yet, it may be a rebound relationship. A rebound relationship is when you enter a relationship as a reaction to a previous relationship, while you’re still contending with issues raised by the past breakup, says Micaela Stein, … Read more

8 Tips to Improve Your Dating App Etiquette

Dating apps are an increasingly common way for people to meet both serious and casual partners. While such apps are highly varied and have lots of options, meeting the right people on these apps isn’t always easy. Following some helpful dating app etiquette can ensure you stay safe, have good conversations, and meet more potential … Read more

Situationship: How to Cope When Commitment is Unclear

Are you in a situation where you’re seeing someone but it’s not exactly a relationship? You and your partner have fun as a couple and may even be intimate, but you haven’t committed to each other or discussed a future together. If so, you may be in a “situationship” or relationship without a commitment, says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, … Read more

Infatuation: I Think I’m in Love, But Am I?

If you think you’re in love, you may be in the throes of a new, healthy relationship. Your feelings for your partner could be blossoming in a natural way. But sometimes when you question if you’re in love, your feelings could reflect other things that aren’t necessarily love. You could be overlooking reality and maybe building up … Read more

Why Is Dating So Hard?

Unless you met your partner in high school, you’ve likely done some dating in your life—so you’ve probably exclaimed “Why is dating so hard??” to friends at least once or twice. In fact, you might even have found this article searching for that, out of exasperation. You’re not alone if you’re feeling this way. Data … Read more

Feeling Led On? You Might Be A Victim of Breadcrumbing

Breadcrumbing means someone leads another person on by dropping small tidbits of interest—such as social media interactions, occasional messages, or brief phone calls. These interactions are intended to suggest the person is still interested, but they occur sporadically, and there is generally no intention of following through.1 Sometimes referred to as “Hansel and Gretelling,” the … Read more

Dating Apps Can Be Stressful, Here’s How to Cope

Ugh, the apps. We all know they’re exhausting but it can feel like there’s no way to avoid them when we want to get back in the dating scene. Dating in general is stressful, but dating apps can take that stress a step further when you throw in seemingly endless options, catfishing, people who constantly ghost, … Read more