How to Know That You Had a Vivid Dream

Have you ever woken up from a dream that felt so real, it’s hard to shake it off? A vivid dream is one that feels so real that you can recall it very clearly when you wake up. They can be happy or sad, based on your real life, or completely fabricated. Vivid dreams are … Read more

Why Do I Cry in My Sleep?

Crying in your sleep can happen to babies, children, adults, and the elderly. It can feel upsetting to wake up with tears in your eyes. This article discusses what causes people to cry in their sleep and when to seek medical help. What Causes People to Cry in Their Sleep? Getting a baby to sleep … Read more

The Benefits of Yoga for Sleep

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines meditative movements, physical exercise, stretching, breathing, and attentiveness. It can have a wide range of health benefits, including better sleep. Because yoga can be relaxing and restorative, it is a great way to wind down from a busy day. If you are spending too many nights tossing and turning, … Read more

What Is Excessive Sleepiness?

Excessive sleepiness is a common symptom of many disorders. It typically occurs during the day, which is why it’s also referred to as excessive daytime sleepiness. Another name for this is hypersomnia. Research shows that around 20% of adults in the United States experience excessive sleepiness to the point that it affects their daily functioning.1 Excessive … Read more

What Is NREM Sleep?

NREM, or non-REM (rapid eye movement), sleep encompasses the first three stages of sleep. It is characterized by thought-like mental activity and little to no eye movement. Sleep is divided into four stages. The first three stages are part of NREM sleep, and the fourth stage is REM sleep, during which rapid eye movement occurs. … Read more

The Role of Sleep in Teen Mental Health

Between school, homework, extracurricular activities, and the fact that teens are natural night owls, most teens aren’t getting enough sleep these days.1 It’s known that sleep deprivation can affect academic performance and physical health, but many don’t realize the strong impact a lack of sleep can have on teen mental health.2 Let’s take a closer look at the … Read more

Sleep Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Sleep disorders, also known as sleep-wake disorders, are conditions that can affect the amount, timing, or quality of your sleep, causing you to feel tired in the daytime and have difficulty functioning as a result.1 Millions of Americans aren’t getting enough sleep and 50 to 70 million Americans have one or more sleep disorders.2 If you … Read more

Can Magnesium Glycinate Help You Sleep?

Magnesium glycinate is a dietary supplement used to boost magnesium levels in the body.1 Magnesium helps to maintain bone health and several other functions. Moreover, you may have heard that magnesium glycinate can act as a sleep aid. However, there’s not a lot of scientific evidence to support this notion. Although some people have noted that it helps … Read more

What Is Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder?

Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder is a type of circadian rhythm sleep disorder. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour sleep cycle your body follows. People with this condition have a circadian rhythm typically shorter or longer than 24 hours. However, cases, where the cycle is shorter than 24 hours are rare.1 Individuals may find that their sleep cycle gradually shifts by … Read more