How to Develop Your Sense of Emotional Permanence

Some of us have an easy time believing and understanding that other people love us even when they aren’t physically present, and for others, that idea can feel hard to fathom. The notion of being able to have faith in how others feel about us is called emotional permanence. At a Glance Emotional permanence is … Read more

Emotional Contagion: Can Emotions Really Be Infectious?

You’ve likely heard the expression, “smiling is contagious,” and instantly smiled back when someone flashed a grin at you. Or maybe the phrase, “misery loves company,” and watched as someone else’s sour disposition affected an entire group of people. Or perhaps you’ve noticed that if someone you care about is hurting, you feel pain right … Read more

How a Duchenne Smile Signals Genuine Positivity

None of us like to be told to smile more, but there is little denying that smiling does have benefits, both for the smiler and whoever is being smiled at. Smiling can convey that we like someone, or that we’re happy or friendly, and is generally correlated with positive emotion. Research shows that smiling can even strengthen … Read more

Toxic Shame: What It Is and How to Manage It

We all feel ashamed of ourselves now and again—maybe we turned in a project for work that we knew could have been better, or we were unkind to someone we should have treated with more patience. But these understandable and relatively short-lived feelings of shame are very different from toxic shame. Toxic shame is the chronic feeling … Read more

Sexsomnia Refers to Sexual Activity During Sleep, Why It Happens and How to Cope

Sexsomnia, also referred to as “sleep sex,” is a sleep disorder characterized by engaging in sexual behavior while sleeping. Similar to sleepwalking and sleep talking, sexsomnia is a parasomnia, which is a sleep behavior that happens when you are in a sleep state that is between sleeping and waking.1 When someone is experiencing sexsomnia, they engage … Read more

How Does Central Sleep Apnea Affect Mental Health?

When your sleep is disrupted, whether it be from a crying child, a thunderstorm, alcohol use, or a medical condition, you are bound to feel negative effects. Poor sleep can lead to exhaustion, low energy, and poor lifestyle choices. It can also be a contributing factor to the development of a mental health or substance … Read more

Sleep Talking: Definition, Symptoms, Traits, Causes, Treatment

Sleep talking, also known as somniloquy, is a relatively common phenomenon among children.1 However, only around 5% of adults talk in their sleep on a regular basis. Sleep talking is usually harmless and does not require treatment. Most people who sleep talk do not remember doing it. However, if sleep talking is frequent and disrupts your sleep … Read more

Why Am I So Tired After Work?

Working eight (or more) hours a day can leave you feeling drained or downright exhausted. The demands of work—whether it’s dealing with co-workers, helping customers, or staring at a computer screen all day—can sap you of the energy you need to make dinner, care for your kids, or enjoy your leisure hours. If you feel tired … Read more