When You Don’t Want to Live—But You Don’t Want to Die

Information presented in this article may be triggering to some people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. If you’ve ever thought “I … Read more

Why Am I So Emotional: 6 Reasons You Feel This Way

Simply put, feelings can be overwhelming. There are times in life when we feel we are in the throes of emotional turmoil but may not fully understand why. This is completely normal but can feel alienating. Perhaps you’re feeling angry, fearful, or sad. Maybe you’re feeling happy and optimistic but aren’t sure why. Even positive feelings can be confusing and lead … Read more

Emotion Wheel: What It Is and How to Use One

Have you ever had trouble pinpointing the exact feeling you were feeling? It may be easy to say when you feel happy, sad, or angry. However, humans are complicated beings who experience a wide range of emotions. It can be difficult to have complete clarity of all your emotions. One of the signs of emotional intelligence is … Read more

Happy Crying: Why Does It Happen?

Crying is often associated with emotions like anger, frustration, or sadness. When you think of happiness, you almost certainly don’t think of tears. But have you ever heard of the term ‘happy tears’? You might have even experienced it! Many people cry when happy, joyous, or excited—all positive emotions.1 So, if you typically cry happy tears … Read more

Which Human Emotion Are You? Take the Quiz

Who Is This Test For? This test is for anyone who is curious about which emotion is more dominant in the way you experience things or express yourself. About This Human Emotion Test This test is designed to help you find out which of the four basic types of human emotions drives you. Although emotions … Read more

How to Be Less Insecure

Being insecure means feeling like you’re inadequate or not good enough. Insecurities are negative thoughts that can cause you to doubt yourself. They can arise in different areas, such as your relationships, your work, your body image, or your ability to navigate social situations, says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University. According to … Read more

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

If you’ve ever heard the cliché phrases, “the glass is half full” or “the glass is half empty” used to demonstrate a positive or negative mindset, then you already have a good sense of the difference between optimism and pessimism. But where you fall on this spectrum can affect a lot more than how you … Read more

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

IQ has historically been the common framework for how we measure our intelligence, and traditional “book smarts” have always been treasured in our society. However, the idea of emotional intelligence—or “EQ”—has risen to become an important way for us to think about how we interact with and relate to others. For some, it’s even more important … Read more

Compassion Fatigue: The Toll of Caring Too Much

Compassion fatigue involves emotional and physical exhaustion that can affect people who have been exposed to other people’s traumas or stressors. It is characterized by a decreased ability to empathize, feelings of helplessness, and burnout due to the demands of supporting those who are suffering. It is also sometimes referred to as secondary or vicarious … Read more