Huge Tragedy for Katy Perry! Our Thoughts & Prayers are With Him. R.I.P

Katy Perry used social media to talk about how sad she was that her boss, Martin Kirkup, had died. In honor of the man who was very important to her career, the singer shared touching pictures of herself with him.

The Instagram post by Katy said that Martin was someone she had to talk about, even though Martin didn’t like social media. “It took me a while to make this post,” she wrote. Putting it online makes it feel like it’s all over…

Katy said that she thought Martin was an important person in her life and that she thought people didn’t really die but instead went to the next world. Martin was one of her bosses at Direct Management for almost 20 years, which she also brought up. As a boss, he always stressed how important numbers, facts, and science were.

Katy thanked her amazing team and said that they would keep working for her to be heard and would always be there for her. Martin helped her feel safe the most and worked hard to make sure she got what she earned.

Martin had the chance to hear some of Katy’s new music just a few days before he died. Katy loved this moment and felt proud that she could make him happy.

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