How much sleep does a toddler need?

How much sleep does your child need when they have outgrown babyhood? It needs less, that’s for sure – but how much less is enough?

Although the need for sleep varies from child to child, just as it does for adults, there are general guidelines as to how many hours of sleep a child needs on average.

Night sleep (hours)Afternoon nap (hours)Average * sleep duration
2 J.10.5 to 12.51 to 311.5 to 15.5
3 J.10.5 to 12.51 to 311 to 14
4 J.10 to 120 to 2.510 to 13
5 J.10 to 120 to 2.510 to 12.5

* Some children who sleep longer at night may not need a long nap during the day and vice versa.

If the child gets too little sleep

Parents should be aware that children usually need more sleep than they are generally given credit for. If a child refuses to sleep at lunchtime or doesn’t want to go to bed in the evening, parents often assume that they probably don’t need that much sleep. However, the opposite is often the case: the child is suffering from a sleep deficit and reacts with hyperactive overtired behavior.

This will tell you that your child needs more sleep:

  • He is often fussy and irritable during the day.
  • You often have to wake it up in the morning.
  • It often and quickly falls asleep while driving.
  • It generally makes a tired impression.

To enable your child to sleep more, you should try to find a good sleep rhythm for your child and develop fixed sleeping habits.

Above all, it is important to set an evening bedtime that ensures your little one gets enough sleep at night and that is chosen in such a way that they do not become overtired in the first place. Getting used to an evening bedtime ritual will help your child to fall asleep well.

If your child no longer needs a nap, they should be able to sleep for a good 10 to 12 hours undisturbed until they are ready for a new day in the morning.

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